Early Bird. Catch. Worm.
The Clever Coffee Dripper is an immersion brewer known for its ease of use and quality in cup. It brews coffee and water within the brewer, which can then be placed upon a cup to decant automatically via paper filter. The Clever Coffee dripper produces a fuller bodied cup of coffee with moderate clarity. Great for those first getting into speciality coffee.
Clever Coffee Dripper
1 cup (12g of beans)
Boil water using kettle. Whilst waiting, weigh and grind your coffee to a consistency similar to table salt. We recommend 12g of coffee beans.
Note: As a base we advise a brew ratio of 12g coffee to 200g water.
Once the kettle is boiled, add paper filter to the Clever Coffee Dripper and rinse with hot water to preheat whilst removing unwanted paper flavour.
Place the Clever Dripper on the scale and add grounds. Tare scale.
Note: Keep the grounds centered within the Clever Dripper cone.
Start timer and add all the brew water (200g) to the grounds.
Note: Ensure coffee grounds are fully immersed in water.
At 2 minutes the brew is ready.
Note: Ensure the grounds are fully blended into the water by breaking any visible surface crust.
Place the Clever Dripper onto a cup of your choice and watch in amazement as it drains automatically into the cup.
Note: The drain time can indicate if the grind size is correct. Generally drain times -30 seconds are too fast. Over +60 seconds are too slow.