Author Archives: Jeremy

Resting coffee: how long should you leave it?

As always with coffee, there are so many variables via the application of both science and[...]

Cocktail of the summer: Turbo Gin and Tonic

Espresso martinis are so 2013!  Although it’s been knocking around for a few years now, another[...]

Roasting workshop with the inimitable: Mr Scott Rao

He’s written pretty much every book on all aspects of coffee including The Professional Barista’s[...]

Yes, we take customised roast profile orders

Aside from the amazing standard offering we have in our shop throughout the year, we[...]

The secrets to the perfect cup of coffee

Although there are many guides available across the interwebs with very specific and individualised recipes[...]


Now shipping to over 50 countries!

We were convinced that launching in the UK exclusively to begin with would be the best[...]

And laid across the coffee bar, were the Brexit barista passports

As opinionated as we might be individually, Long & Short coffee as a business entity[...]