Category Archives: Guides

How tos, round-ups and general advice about more or less anything.

A beginners guide to specialty coffee by Long & Short

In this post we’ve compiled a beginners guide to help explore and buy specialty coffee.[...]

How to make a great specialty coffee brew recipe

Anyone who brews filter coffee at home particularly paper filtered has some level of expertise.[...]

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10 awesome coffee gifts – all under £20

Coffee gifts make excellent presents. Not just because there are so many coffee lovers. But[...]

Top 5 rules of good coffee shop etiquette

Speciality coffee shops are a place to relax, enjoy and leave fond memories. However, when[...]

The Art of Steaming Milk

Today I deviate from our star of the show (banging specialty coffee beans) and look[...]

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The Great Barista Life – Top Hacks & Tips

Passed down through generations of baristas I bring upon to you the greatest of great[...]